Thanos Card Series

Print, Design System

The Task

Design a series of 12 cards featuring a hero or villain of your choosing and represent aspects of that individual through abstract concepts. I chose the character Thanos from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The project objectives included conducting research, connecting with pop culture, and managing a design system.

The Process

The comic world is vast, so I spoke with some comic fans to answer questions and narrow my search. Exploring all aspects of this character was difficult because the character isn’t fully explored in the movies, so I made compromises and included information from the comics and stretched some definitions. My design system was based on the art deco look of the character’s armor a well as the character’s ideals of balance, which informed my decision to split the cards between purple and yellow.

The Takeaway

I found that I can overwhelm my creative space with too much content, and I have learned that less is more. Creating more isn’t necessarily bad as you will find yourself with more choices and whittle them down to the best options.


Illustrator, Photoshop, Print