Image & Type

Photography, Typography, Print

The Task

Explore an object visually through photography using variable angles and distances. Choose the 20 best and use intuitive combinations of image and type that explore the connotative and denotative meanings of the words and object. I chose my Blue Yeti microphone that I use primarily for podcasting.

The Process

I explored concepts of communication, expressions from popular culture, my personal podcasting experience, and the personifications that could be derived from the microphone. As my first project using the iteration process, I was unfamiliar with how the steps related to the final goal.

The Takeaway

The critiques I received began to contradict each other, and I learned that at some point I need to stop incorporating all the feedback and make my own decisions. I believe that some of the final images are not as good as earlier iterations. I will use this experience to allow me to make better decisions in the future.


Digital SLR Camera, Illustrator, Photoshop, Print